
We at the SEFC support four zones of ministry. They are as follows:

Latin America & Caribbean – Ernest and Effie Dyck

Dycks C ropped

Ernest and Effie met in Spanish Language School, Rio Grande Bible institute (Texas) in 1981. They were married in 1982 and began ministering in Venezuela shortly after, developing a network of church plants for Jesus Christ. Many hours are spent on the road as they travel to various areas of the country where they train locals in church planting principles, pre-marital counseling, Biblical financing, evangelism, and how to develop and run small group ministries.

In 2001, Ernest published a Church Planting Manual and for the past several years, Effie and her teammates have developed and published Vacation Bible School material for many churches. Many churches have been planted and many people have come to Christ in various parts of Venezuela, as a result of over 25 years of ministry.

Thailand – Larry and Diane Willems


Larry received a call to missions in 1981 and went to Thailand with WEC (Worldwide Evangelism for Christ.)  In 1985 he studied TESL in Ontario in order to reach university students better. He returned to Thailand where he met Diane in her church in Bangkok and were married in 1988.  They then moved to Chiang Mai where their 2 daughters, Jenny (1992) and Christina (1994) were born.

Larry is involved in theological issues, leadership training, discipleship, and evangelism through teaching English. He works with prisoners in Chiang Mai as well as with university students and Bible school students. Diane is involved in women’s and students ministry, and translation of Christian materials.  Their primary goal, however, is to use their professions as a witness in a Buddhist country and to be resources for Thai Christians.

British Columbia, Canada – Anne Reid

Anne Cropped

Anne spent several years at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where she was Field Supervisor (assistant director) in the Practical Christian Ministry Department. One of her co-workers was a major influence in Anne’s decision to become a missionary under N.A.I.M. which brought her to Saskatoon in 2000. (She has since changed organizations, to The Wilderness Retreat Society/The Master’s Mission).   Anne is now living in Port Alberni, serving there as well as on Copper Island, British Columbia

Anne is serving among First Nations people, primarily youth.   She spends the majority of her time with kids, leading mentoring groups, helping with homework, and tutoring students.

Asia – Jack and Jill X

Jack and Jill met at Prairie Bible College where they also became friends with a family from Northern Afghanistan. This was a major step God used to call them to Asia. They were married on June 3, 1995 and have four children.  Jack and Jill have been serving in Asia since 1997 doing a variety of community work which provide a means for them and their teammates to be in village homes on a weekly basis to share the gospel and disciple believers. Their overall goal is the plant a village church before returning to Canada for home assignment.

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